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Support Forum » Temp Sensor Tutorial, What code am I editing?

April 11, 2010
by MikeLisko
MikeLisko's Avatar

Hi everyone I'm going through the tutorial and it says to edit the tempsensor.c file by adding code given in the tutorial. But all the code is already entered in the tempsensor.c file.

I've read through everything multiple times and fear that I am missing something obvious.

April 11, 2010
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

When I got my kit, there was 2 directories - onew had tempsensor.c and the other was something like tempsensor_edu.c

The latter was just the skeleton where you add the code - the former was a complete program so if you have problems then you can check what it should look like.

I don't know if they still are like that though - worth checking.

Good luck


April 11, 2010
by MikeLisko
MikeLisko's Avatar

You are 100% correct!! That's what I was looking for. I didn't see any mention to an edu folder in the tutorial. Maybe I missed it or maybe the edu thing is new. Thank you very much for your quick reply

April 11, 2010
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

No problem MikeLisko. Have fun.

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