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Microcontroller Programming » char array if statement
February 23, 2014 by escartiz |
Hi everyone, I need help with if else validation of a char array, I have hooked up a keypad to the mcu and I am gathering inputs as char arrays so for example I have:
then as I get inputs I assing them as follow
Once I gather all 5 arrays for buf[] I like to do an if else evaluation to find out if the whole buf[0-5] is equal to "12345" else set buf to blank again if(buf[] == '12345') { // continue } else { buf[0] = 0x00; } this is not working, so what would be the best way to do a full evaluation of buf[] I was thinking of using &&
but before I try that as it would look messy I like to know the best approach to accomplish this |
April 21, 2014 by BobaMosfet |
escartiz- It's a string. Terminate it and just use a string function. BM |
April 21, 2014 by JimFrederickson |
For a ittle more information... In the c Language Srings are by definition "arrays of characters terminated with a In order for you to use the "string functions" on your "char arrays" you will need to Then your "char arrays" can be treated/used as strings. If you go to "where-ever your WinAVR Folder is" then from there "avr/include" you will |
April 21, 2014 by Noter |
Hmm, I don't remember seeing this post 8 weeks ago. Anyway, memcmp() is a good function for testing values in fixed length character arrays. Don't have to worry about the null terminators because you give it the length. AVR Libc memcmp() |
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