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Everything Else » RTOS
June 22, 2012 by rais |
This is noob question so please excuse me. I'm interested in learning about using the ATmega328p with an RTOS. Are there any basic projects/resources that I might be able to look into? I have found some references on Google regarding the use of FreeRTOS, but the doesn't appear to be much background info implementing this. Are there any NerdKits projects in the works using RTOS? I'd be very interested in learning more in this area. Thanks! Rai |
June 22, 2012 by pcbolt |
Rai - There was a fellow on here not to long ago working on something in this area. I think he gave up because the MCU he was using did not have enough flash. HERE is the link if you are curious. |
June 22, 2012 by rais |
@pcbolt thank you for the link. That was very useful. It looks like a lot of info for me to digest at this point. I am an experienced programmer, but new too embedded stuff. I think I will run through the manual since I haven't yet completed that. I am interested in something very similar to this since I work with some embedded systems and just because I have an itch to scratch :) |
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