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NEW: Learning electronics? Ask your questions on the new Electronics Questions & Answers site hosted by CircuitLab.

Everything Else » What was CircuitLab coded with?

April 04, 2012
by jallen001
jallen001's Avatar

I saw the CircuitLab and it is awesome. Does anyone know what it was coded in? I write .NET apps, but I like the way these work in the browser. Is it all JQuery or some other libraries? I don't know how to contact the developer(s) so I figured I would ask in the open :)

I wanted to know because I have ideas for free tools to support different stages of project development too. Thanks.

April 04, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

jallen001 -

Mike Robbins and Humberto Evans were the developers of Circuit Lab. Same guys who started Nerdkits. In my experience when you e-mail them (see the "Members" link for address) they are quick to respond.

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