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Project Help and Ideas » Anyone worked with vacuum fluorescent displays?

December 29, 2011
by jeffspc88mx
jeffspc88mx's Avatar

I just ordered a VFD so that I can build a VU meter for my tube preamp. I have no idea if it'll work with the NerdKit. Anyone have any suggestions for how to proceed? I'm going to get to the LCD version of the sound meter project when I'm ready, then migrate to the VFD - I think. Am I over a barrel or does this look promising?

December 29, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I would say you could definately communicate with it, just would have to know how. It appears to communicate serially. You'd have to find out what the protocol is. From what I saw, there are many configurations of that display. You may want to check the voltage and power requirements to make sure you have enough to operate it. If you can get a datasheet for the specific module you are getting, I'm pretty sure you can make it work. VFD's are good looking displays.


December 29, 2011
by jeffspc88mx
jeffspc88mx's Avatar

Thanks. Yes, I have the datasheet. It can communicate serially (as well as parallel). It does not have an on-board ADC, so I'm going to interface it with the NerdKit MCU. I'll feed the ADC with voltage from the preamp output, it'll translate to bits and send those to the VFD, which will translate that into a "bouncing bar" display. (Fingers crossed).

VFD's are pretty. It'll be a nice juxtaposition with the tube technology.

December 29, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

That'll look nice. Should be no problem interfacing, all you'll have to do is write the code Wink

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