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Project Help and Ideas » LED Array Serial Communications Problem

May 10, 2011
by cantuchthis1
cantuchthis1's Avatar

On my LED Array, I can use the number pad and get every number to scroll across the array and it'll look great. But when I send letters, all it sends is a "?" or if I type a sentence it'll be "------?". I'm not sure how to use the C programming yet because my goal right now is just to learn some of the basics of the kit. I can't figure out why letters won't work.

Any ideas?

May 10, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

This is probably happening because the LED Array as coded only recognizes capital letters. If it gets a character it does not recognize (like a lower case letter) it just prints a ?.


May 10, 2011
by cantuchthis1
cantuchthis1's Avatar

Actually just realized that if I put caps lock on, it works. I'm guessing there was a misscommunication between the lowercase letters.

May 10, 2011
by cantuchthis1
cantuchthis1's Avatar

Thanks Humberto!

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