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Basic Electronics » Tired of draining 9V batteries? Cheap and easy to set up Lab DC Power Supply

May 18, 2009
by gzsfrk
gzsfrk's Avatar

For anyone who is wanting to do testing with various voltages from a high-draw capacity device, I suggest you try converting an old, unused PC power supply to a Lab-quality DC Power source:

Using all the different combinations of positive and negative voltages, you can get from 3.3v to 24v using a standard ATX PC power supply. (And who doesn't have 10 of these sitting around in various closets? :)

You only need about $8 worth of parts from Radio Shack and about 30 minutes of your time, and you'll be good to go!

May 31, 2009
by luisgarciaalanis
luisgarciaalanis's Avatar

Cool :) never tought you could use do that :)

I have a regular a/c d/c converter like the ones that comes with basically any gadget. Mine has a switch for many volt values although when I do readings they are WAY off WAY higher, I guess is cheap. Well that is why the kit has the little 3 pin filter..

I will buy a plug for it in radio shack and give it a try

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