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Project Help and Ideas » Hard Drive Clock

December 25, 2009
by pej
pej's Avatar

NerdKits Hard Drive Clock

I saw a video on YouTube a while back that showed the conversion of an old hard drive into a clock and I thought it would be an interesting NerdKit project.

Hard Drive Clock

You can find the complete writeup here

January 09, 2010
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi pej,

Great project and writeup! Lots of great design ideas both on the programming, electrical, and mechanical ends. And the final product is definitely really neat! I'm definitely going to have to think about building one of these.


January 11, 2010
by ecornwell
ecornwell's Avatar

Very Awesome!

January 12, 2010
by avr
avr's Avatar

Hi pej, thanks for sharing this interesting project.

On your project writeup page it appears that a link to a "video of the clock in operation" is not working. Also, would you please increase the size of the schematics diagram, I'm having trouble reading it.

January 12, 2010
by pej
pej's Avatar

Thanks for the feedback.

I checked the video and it looks ok to me so I'm not sure what is wrong (It's hosted on youtube, and directly available at ).

The schematic is now available as a pdf download ( which is bigger and easier to read.


January 12, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

Excuse my inquizative ways, but how are you changing the modes. thx

January 19, 2010
by pej
pej's Avatar

The schematic I posted is added to the base nerdkits configuration. The normal program switch is still there, essentially in parallel with the optical sensor.

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