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Microcontroller Programming » Elliot Williams book and video - AVR Programming

October 05, 2015
by RickMcKeon
RickMcKeon's Avatar

I am just working my way through this excellent book. Clearly written and understandable, but I just watched one of his YouTube videos - highly recommended


October 15, 2015
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar


There is no end to the information available on the web. I have at least 200 tabs open in a browser for pages and sites I go to or am 'in the middle' of reading, regarding electronics.

One correction I wanted to offer, from the material presented in the video. An ATMEGA168, for example, is not the equivalent of a mainframe (even back then). But it is almost exactly the equivalent of a Mac SE, in terms of horsepower (not RAM). Except it's up to 20 times faster. Understanding this should give someone an idea of just how much the '168 is actually capable of.


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