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Support Forum » Ubuntu problem

October 17, 2012
by MozartTheSecont
MozartTheSecont's Avatar


When I was trying to install a program on my Nerd kit I spoted a problem which says:

Connecting to programmer: .avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding

Can anybody help me?

I'm from Slovenia, so my english is awful... Sorry...

October 17, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Mozart -

The "programmer not responding" message usually means one of the following:

  • Bad connection to the chip - check your USB/Seial cable - re-wire if needed

  • Low power to chip - check battery/wiring - use a voltmeter to check if possible

  • Pin 14 not connected to ground for programming - check slide switch/wiring

If this is not the problem, please post a picture of your breadboard. Maybe we can see something you overlooked. Also...did you get the Nerdkit to work before now or is this your first try?

October 18, 2012
by MozartTheSecont
MozartTheSecont's Avatar

I power my Nerd Kit with an USB connection. Is that the problem?

October 18, 2012
by MozartTheSecont
MozartTheSecont's Avatar

Thanks, my USB cable was connected wrong. LP(Lep Pozrav - Good Bye and Thanks in Slovene)

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