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Support Forum » USB to Serial cable showing as "unknown device" when I plug it in

January 02, 2012
by Zero9243
Zero9243's Avatar

USB to Serial cable showing as "unknown device" when I plug it in now, tried re installing the drivers again, but still get unknown device when I plug the cable in. It will not show up as a com port anymore. Device Manager shows a yellow triangle by unknown device, and it's giving a Code 43 (windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems). Not sure what else to try.

January 02, 2012
by Zero9243
Zero9243's Avatar

This happens on multiple computers as well

January 02, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Zero9243,

Are you on Windows 7? If so try the latest driver from Prolific. Their website seems to be acting wonky over last week or so, but it is still serving up the files. Try this driver and let me know what you find.


January 02, 2012
by Zero9243
Zero9243's Avatar

Hey Hev, thanks for the link to the driver, unfortunately it didn't work. Also, oddly enough, my computer will turn my volume down to 12%! Not sure what that's about, but I still get the same error when I plug it in. I know it's wonky, but I'm not sure what to try at this point

January 02, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi zero9243,

Well that's pretty weird. Does the device manager say unrecognized device on both of your Windows 7 computers?

Its rare, but those cables sometimes do get damaged during transit. Send us an email at support <at> nerdkits with the name and address of your original order and I'll have a new cable sent out to you.


January 02, 2012
by Zero9243
Zero9243's Avatar

Thanks for the reply Humberto, I don't think it was damaged during transport, as I was able to go through almost the whole nerdkits tutorial PDF with it. I was on the last project using the dipswitch for the bitwise arithmetic, but when I went to go plug in the cable, I started getting the error. I know that there is some circuitry inside doing the serial to usb conversion, but I want to make sure that it isn't something I did to screw it up, so that if I get a replacement it doesn't happen again. I also don't want you guys thinking it was your fault, it could just be luck of the draw i guess?

January 03, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Ah, I see. I thought you had not been able to program the chip at all so far.

That is quite strange. What were you doing when the cable stopped working? It is possible that there is something in your circuit that is causing a current overdraw that is causing the USB port to shut down. This could mean nothing is damaged, its just your computer protecting itself.


January 03, 2012
by Zero9243
Zero9243's Avatar

I was thinking something similar, but it happens even without the red black green yellow cables plugged into anything, and I also went back and took my breadboard apart and started from the original circuit :-\

January 17, 2012
by bdunn
bdunn's Avatar

Hi guys,

I thought I was having a similar problem. It turned out that using a USB extension cord was a bad idea. I say this just in case you have a similar setup, Cheers Ben.

January 17, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

On "most" Macs you have to plug directly into your computer you can not use a hub.

I do not have a problem using a hub with Windows but do with my my Mac mini.

So it doesn't surprise me that a USB extension cord would cause problems.


January 18, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I guess I've just been lucky with my mini. I've been using a short (2ft) USB extension and so far have had no problems. I don't know why Apple didn't put at least 1 or two USB ports on the front of those little buggers.


January 18, 2012
by Scythium
Scythium's Avatar

Try this driver. I recently install the kit on my Windows 7 machine. The link in the downloads section didn't work so I went to the site directly and got the latest version. I had the same error, now everything works and it was detected on COM5.

May 19, 2012
by BonBon
BonBon's Avatar

Scythium - brilliant work there mate. I was having the same problem with good old windows not recognising the USB device when plugged in. I used your link to the updated version of the driver and it recognised it just fine on COM8. Thanks champ! :)

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