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Microcontroller Programming » Can I use the arduino ide to program a nerdkit?

December 26, 2011
by coco3431
coco3431's Avatar

Can I use the arduino ide to program a nerdkit? I don't quite like the programing software. Thanks!

December 26, 2011
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

Youd' have to wire it up with all of the same components (ie 16MHZ crystal, and I believe the same usb-uart chip that is used on the arduino board as the software uses one of the control pins to reset the arduino.) In addition to that, you would have to replace the nerdkit bootloarder with the arduino bootloader.

The programming toolchain can appear a little (ok, alot) clunky to the user who is used to user-friendly software. The GNU toolchain can be joined with many IDEs some of them very user friendly with some work. I haven't done that, as I am happy with the command line tools, but I know it can be done. In fact, I'm willing to bet that with a little finesse, you can actually use Microsoft's Visual Studio if you really wanted to.

December 26, 2011
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

Upon second reading of the original post, I see that I partially read it wrong. I've never used the arduino IDE so the answer iis actually, I don't know. If the arduino IDE allows you to change the compile/link/upload commands and does not require the target be an actual arduino, then it may be possible. I initially thought you wanted to know if a nerdkit could be turned into an arduino.

December 26, 2011
by coco3431
coco3431's Avatar

Thanks, im still looking if i find anything i will post back.

December 26, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

You can compile, just not upload. The nerdkit mcu does not have an arduino bootloader. If you get the compiled hex file though, you can upload it with the commands in the nerdkit guide.

December 26, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If you install WinAVR though, you can, after editing the makefile for your machine, program in C and upload all from programmers notepad. It's pretty simple to do and doesn't require the use of the commaond prompt.


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