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Basic Electronics » Phase Shifter or time delay circuit?

November 25, 2011
by lcruz007
lcruz007's Avatar


An input non-periodical signal starts when the circuit is powered on, BUT after some few milliseconds I want the output signal to be shifted in its phase at least 2PI (one full cycle), or have a sort of timer that outputs the signal a few milliseconds after.

How can I achieve this? Is there any type of a time-delay circuit with op-amps? I saw one but it only shifted the wave 180 degrees, it doesn't work for me, as I have analyze a full cycle first and then manipulate the shifted signal.

Something like this (e.g):

Signal [channel 1 to oscilloscope] -> Delay[500ms] -> The exact signal [channel 2 of osccilloscope], but starting 500ms after the circuit was powered on.

November 25, 2011
by lcruz007
lcruz007's Avatar

By the way, it is an analogue signal.

November 26, 2011
by 6ofhalfdozen
6ofhalfdozen's Avatar

I am not sure if it will do what you want, but there are several ways to set up a 555/556 to do time delay and inversion. While the 555/556 is digital, you can use it to gate/control a transistor. You might be able to put op amps in there, but I don't see a way to do it. Just a thought, hopefully it helps..

December 09, 2011
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar


Is this an AC signal, or just an analog wave-form (never below ground)?


December 09, 2011
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Delay line

December 09, 2011
by GeeBob
GeeBob's Avatar

So what is the highest frequency of interest? If you digitize any signal you have to think about Nyquist/Shannon theorum. You could use the weakness (phase shift)of hardware filters to do this for you. What would be a cycle of a non-periodic waveform and how do you define it?

December 23, 2011
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

In reviewing this, the answer becomes clear from what the op requested- doesn't matter frequency or signal type- it's a non-periodic waveform, anyway.

Simply buffer the input waveform and analyze it. Once it's analyzed, output the buffer.


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