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Everything Else » ATMEL626 datasheet?

October 03, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

I opened up an old bluetooth head set and found an old ATMEL626 chip. It is surface mount with 8 pins. I googled it but found nothing on it. I did find what I am guessing to be a similar chip. The ATTiny: Is the ATMEL626 an older version of the ATTiny series or does it have another datasheet?

October 03, 2011
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Considering that your own forum post from a few hours ago is already the 4th Google search result for ATMEL626, it doesn't seem like it's likely to be a part number. Who knows -- could be a tiny little EEPROM storing the device's Bluetooth unique ID? Or something much more complicated.

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October 03, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

Oh I see.

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