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Basic Electronics » the make file cant locate the libnerdkits

July 16, 2011
by codenamejupiterx
codenamejupiterx's Avatar

I am trying to load my first program the initialload.c program, when i try to run my make file it gives me an error.

                  make -C ../libnerdkits
                  make: *** ../libnerdkits: No such file or directory.  Stop.
                  make: *** [initialload.hex] Error 2

my initialload.c source code is in the same folder....

July 17, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Did you leave the downloaded code folder stucture intact? This error commonly occurrs when a folder (Like initialload) is pulled out of the archive by itself and placed somewhere. The makefile expects the files it is using to be in certain places and if they aren't there, it cannot find them, and you will see the error you listed.

Try keeping the code folder structure as it is when downloaded and try make again.


July 17, 2011
by codenamejupiterx
codenamejupiterx's Avatar

THanks Rick_S

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