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Microcontroller Programming » Realtime clock interrupt fire one per second
July 07, 2011 by gcharris |
I'm looking to have the realtime clock code fire an interrupt once a second rather than 100 times a second. I am kind of lost and I was wondering if you could give me a bit of help. Here's the original code:
July 07, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Just change OCR0A from 143 to 14399. So instead of the code you posted it would be: void realtimeclock_setup() { // setup Timer0: // CTC (Clear Timer on Compare Match mode) // TOP set by OCR0A register TCCR0A |= (1<<WGM01); // clocked from CLK/1024 // which is 14745600/1024, or 14400 increments per second TCCR0B |= (1<<CS02) | (1<<CS00); // set TOP to 143 // because it counts 0, 1, 2, ... 142, 143, 0, 1, 2 ... // so 0 through 143 equals 144 events OCR0A = 14399; // enable interrupt on compare event // (14400 / 14400 = 1 per second) TIMSK0 |= (1<<OCIE0A); } This will make it fire once every second. You just have to do the math. Hope this helps. |
July 07, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Whoops forgot to indent as code block. Here it is:
July 07, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Messed up again with my reply but you should hopefully get the point just change the OCR0A value to 14399. |
July 07, 2011 by gcharris |
Thanks! It compiled. I'll test it on the mcu later tonight. Just one note; I did have to cast it to an unsigned char otherwise it would throw the following warning "warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type"
July 07, 2011 by Noter |
Timer 0 is an 8 bit counter which means OCR0A is an 8 bit number and it can't be greater than 255. You'll need to switch to the 16 bit timer 1 if you want a single interrupt per second or you could just count the interrupts you have now and only take whatever action every 100th interrupt. |
July 07, 2011 by gcharris |
Hmm... would this be correct then?
July 07, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Oh I see. How would one enable the 16 bit timer? |
July 07, 2011 by Noter |
I don't remember timer 1 register settings but seems although similar they are a little different - better review the datasheet to be sure. I've got timer 1 code somewhere, I'll find it and post an example. |
July 07, 2011 by rboggs10 |
Ok just got back from the datasheet and it seems that changing TCCR0A to TCCR1A and so on sounds right to me. |
July 07, 2011 by Noter |
Yep, you're on the right track. Here's a sniplet using timer1 for a chip that was using the 8Mhz internal clock -
Then be sure to use TIMER1_COMPA_vect for the interrupt routine. |
July 07, 2011 by gcharris |
Totally got it working. Here's the exact code I used. Thanks rboggs10 and Noter.
I ended up using for the interrupt
July 08, 2011 by Rick_S |
The only thing I would change from there for future compatability would be to change the SIGNAL to ISR. The SIGNAL syntax has been depreciated and my not function in future versions of avr-libc. For now they both work. Rick |
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