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Everything Else » PIC16C54C
May 07, 2011 by mikey |
Since the Pic16c54c is also a microcontroller, Would it be possable to do the same thing with Atmel ATmega168 And program it with the C code. Is it like a big jump and it wouldn't work or could it? Thanks in advance. -Mike |
May 07, 2011 by Rick_S |
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. But if you are asking if you can take a program written for a PIC16C54C and use it on an Atmel microcontroller, the answer is no. The hardware in a PIC is completely different. If you fully understood the program written for the PIC, you may be able to port it over by rewriting any section that referred to the PIC specific hardware. If I didn't grasp what you were trying to ask, please clarify. Rick |
May 07, 2011 by mikey |
Sorry. What I was mainly asking was could you program the Pic16c54c with 1.The NerdKits Usb cable and 2.Could We be able to program it with C. -Mike |
May 07, 2011 by Rick_S |
Rick |
May 07, 2011 by mikey |
Thanks for clearing it all up for me. Thanks :D -Mike |
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