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November 12, 2010
by Devon
Devon's Avatar

I'm trying to setup the breadboard as shown in the manual but cannot get anything to display. However, the voltage regulator does heat up and I've looked several times and things appear to be setup correctly. Could someone else take a look at it and let me know if I've overlooked something? Yes, the resistor being used is brown, black, and red as shown in the manual.


[ Photos Attached Below ]

breadboard breadboard breadboard breadboard

November 12, 2010
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

It looks like your voltage regulator is shifted one row too close to the MCU. You've got pin 2 where pin 1 should be, pin 3 where pin 2 should be. Just shift it up to the next higher-numbered rows (+1).

Take another look at the picture on page 24 of the guide.

November 12, 2010
by Devon
Devon's Avatar

Awesome, the LCD game on and the voltage regulator is no longer getting hot; however, the LCD now shows a series of squares - not a message as shown in the guide...

Thanks again

November 12, 2010
by Devon
Devon's Avatar

...the LCD came** on...

November 12, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Devon,

Double check your LCD wires. It looks from your picture like only 3 out of the 4 data wires are in correctly.


November 12, 2010
by Devon
Devon's Avatar

Humberto, you were right (according to the images); the wire had popped out. I have already put it back in place though. :)

Any other suggestions? Thanks

November 12, 2010
by Devon
Devon's Avatar

Meh, I was missing the ground wire from LCD pin #5.

Thanks again for your help though!

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