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Support Forum » Replace ATmega168 with ATmega64 MCU

November 09, 2010
by ermias
ermias's Avatar

Hi there,

I have been playing around with ATmega168 Mcu almost for the last 3 months, and I learn a lot about MCU and C programing language. What I still don't get is, how to bootload a chip. Now I want to use ATmega64 MCU in the place of ATmega168, Can anyone help me on how to load a bootloader on this chip? and can I still program this chip with Nerdkit USB-serial cable?? Step-by-step instruction would be more helpful since I am still in learning process of MCUs.



November 09, 2010
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

It's the code in the bootloader that contains the instructions for loading data over the serial cable, so you can't load a new bootloader quite that easily.

There are many approaches/devices/techniques for putting a bootloader onto an AVR chip. Just search "bootloader" on these forums to see what has worked for other people with various other chips, and then come back here if you still have questions.

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